Have you noticed the drop in gas prices over the last 2 weeks? You can thank
President Obama. His patience and perseverance have paid off in the historic
peace deal with Iran, which means Iran will be able to sell goods and services
especially oil to Europe. And even though the UN sanctions haven’t officially
been lifted yet, just the knowledge that Iran will be selling oil has caused a
price drop. Funny how the market works. It’s not just supply and demand but PERCEIVED
supply and PERCEIVED demand that influences prices. This is great for American
and European consumers but not so great for Putin’s Russia which is a major oil
exporter and will be hurt by the drop in prices.
Everyone of America’s allies has praised the Iran deal. Except Israel. Their Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned the deal as Munich style
Appeasement. The more desperate Bibi gets the greater his hyperbole. I swear
Bibi Netanyahu has done more to stoke up anti-Semitism in the world than the
most frothing at the mouth neo-Nazi. He’s lost credibility among all but the
AIPAC clowns and Republican presidential wannabees who conveniently forget Reagan SOLD arms to Iran.
Some people are so dumb they don’t take a step back and look at the big picture.
the Iran deal does is take Iran at their word that they want to develop nuclear
power for peaceful purposes only. Beyond the fact that enriching Uranium
requires more than Iran’ll be allowed to keep, it also takes time. In that
time, the U.S. and other Western powers will be able to open Iranian markets
and influence Iran’s leaders. Not the religious ones, they’re loons. But the
political leaders and the intelligentsia who are important as Iran has a young
highly educated population.
the other side of the deal, the unspoken side. Say Iran DOES violate the deal
and IS caught trying to develop nuclear weapons. Then President Obama or his
successor has the political cover to bomb the crap out of them and no one,
Republican or Democrat, will complain.
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