Sunday, July 24, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

More on the "flash-mob" phenomenon and thugs

Please read the article at this link.

My Comments: First, Lewis Pollis is a very impressive young reporter. Now, onto the moment at the meeting that really got my hackles up:

In what was perhaps the tensest moment of the evening, Kathy Wray Coleman was booed by the audience for her assertion that the new curfew laws are “targeting the black community.” She said the curfew violates the 14th Amendment and suggested that, next, “we will have to ride in the back of the bus.”

Bill Swain from Revolution Books agreed with Coleman, calling the curfew “totally racist” and “an actual Jim Crow.”

Swain is an avowed Communist. So he wants mobs, public disorder and violence because it will further damage America's "evil" capitalist system. His agenda is transparent and I will leave him alone for now.

But matters are not helped when we have people like Kathy Wray Coleman turing the flash-mob problem into a race issue. For her to say that the curfew is just a foot in the door to putting African-Americans in the “back of the bus” is a slap at the memory of Rosa Parks and others who faced real discrimination. Uncivil behavior by unruly mobs of youths is not a racial issue – it is an issue of conduct and it is driven by bad and inattentive parenting. If any of you think thug behavior is a “black” problem, pay a visit to Parma and see the white thugs hanging around Pearl and Ridge Roads.

The curfew is not perfect, and it seems to me that Cleveland Heights leaders are trying to find their way through a difficult situation. They will undoubtedly tinker with the curfew until the right balance is found. If a law is well intentioned but not perfect, the right solution is to improve the law – not throw it out. The Constitution has been amended time and again over the centuries for the same reason.

I wish the Heights council the best of luck. Because lack of respect for adult authority is a disease and it will spread to neighboring communities.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

South Euclid Police Prevent a Flash Mob

A few weeks ago I posted about the recent “flash-mob” at the Coventry Street Fair. Cleveland Heights police were caught unaware as the mob of youthful thugs formed and ruined the last hour of the event.

What a contrast in South Euclid, where our police department proactively shut down a “flash-mob” before it could form in Bexley Park. Part of that was by monitoring social media like Facebook and Twitter. The youth behind the mob event, Malik Wallington, wound up moving it to Cleveland.

Here’s a link to the Cleveland Heights Patch article on the averted Bexley incident. Take note of the anti-South Euclid Police comments, no doubt from hippy-dippy Heightsters.

The South Euclid police department has come under a lot of criticism from the anti-traffic camera crowd, from South Euclid Oversight, and opposition candidates like Michael Fortner. But I’d like to take this moment to congratulate them on a job well done. None of the above mentioned entities have praised their efforts here – but you can bet your bottom tax dollar they would have been the first on the bandwagon if a disruptive event had taken place.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mobile Camera update: July 11 - 18

The mobile speed camera will be in the following locations from 7-11 to 7-18-11:

July 11 & 12: Felton Rd.
July 13 & 14: Bluestone Rd.
July 15 - 17: Grosvenor Rd.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Oakwood opponents stink of desperation

Members of the anti-Oakwood group are canvassing South Euclid streets begging for signatures for their "ballot referendum." Check out Susan Miller's tweet below:

Funny. Susan has been spending the last six months bashing South Euclid, now she praises our "lovely neighborhoods."

In the end, it doesn't matter. The land was approved for development by the city council, who are our elected representatives. It only remains for the Planning Commission to approve First Interstate's plans and issue the building permits. A referendum would be pointless because the use of the land is grandfathered in. Read your Constitution: You can't make a law retroactive per the ex post facto clause.

Some Heightsters are desperate to keep their bootheels on the throats of the people of South Euclid. As usual with these folks, it's too little too late.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Stifling competition

I saw this sign outside DiStefanos the other day. This is what America has come down to. A grocer who wants to stifle competition. Is he taking on Walmart? No. He's protesting a farmer's market. Small farmers who grow food naturally and sell it to citizens. DiStefano wants you to buy his imported food instead. How do the buy local greenies from Cleveland Heights feel about DiStefano wanting to stifle competition?